I freakin' love
Pinterest!!! I am thoroughly addicted to it. I hadn't heard of it until Heather over at
Heather Drive mentioned it on her blog. Naturally, I had to check it out. It's like your internet bookmarks + scrapbooking + notes. First you make a board (like a file) and name it. Then you can "pin" stuff to your board. Say you come across an awesome DIY project online. Click the "Pin It" button (that you install on your favorites bar), write a quick note about it (or no note at all), then post it on your board. Ta-daa!! Now that note and a pic will be on your board. Easy as that!
I have one board titled "Dream House Inspiration" and I'm pinning all of the dreamy things I'd like in our future home. Even silly things that I know aren't going to happen. But that's what a "dream" is all about, right? So now I can go to that board and it'll show all of the pins (pics and notes) I've saved to it. If I click on one of the pins it'll take me to the original website it's from. Awesome right!?!?! I'm in love.
This pic shows some of that persons boards.
Oh yeah, you can link your Facebook, Twitter and Blog to your Pinterest account. Just like Facebook, people can like the pins. Just like a Blog, you can follow other people and they can follow you. That's a great feature when you find people who have similar interests as yours. The cool stuff just comes to you because they do the work for you!
There is also a little feed on the side that doesn't take up much room. It tells you who's repinned what. Because one of the funnest and addicting things on Pinterest is you can re-pin (jack, steal, copy) other peoples' pins. So they do the leg-work, you think it's a super idea, you re-pin it to your board for later.
This is browsing someone browsing stuff. It looks like it's all wedding related. The feed of the people they follow is on the left.
If you would like to join me on this most awesomeness of awesomely sites, I'd love to have more people to share in the awesome.
Well, I'm off to pin some more!
Join me fellow pinners!!