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Thursday, December 22, 2011


A few of my most hated things.

1) Flies of all sorts - Landing on things and spreading their poop loving filth. Fruit flies really gross me out cause they swarm in hoards.

2) Fleas - Disgusting, unsanitary, germ spreading, icky villians of doom.

3) Mosquitoes - They terrify me. If a fly and a flea got it on and had a baby it would be a mosquito. It's the worst creature in the universe.

4) Ticks - Sneaky little bastards of burrowing disease.

That about sums up my list of foulness. Of course there are others that thoroughly give me the heeby-jeebies but these sickos top my list. What are you most grossed out or scared by?

Note: While looking for images for this post I actually had to stop a few times because I was so grossed out. With my weak pregnancy stomach I got thisclose to vomiting. Eew!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sinful Colors

I came across a nail polish that I love and I have to share it with you. It's called Sinful Colors. My favorite is the hot pink which I'm wearing right now on my fingers and tootsies. It dries in a matte finish so be sure to grab a shiny top coat if you want the sparkle.This image is from a search I did on Bing. It's from a site called The Daily Varnish.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


You know those little word games you played in school?

Weiner is to a boy what ______ is to a girl:
a) Mountain Dew
b) Coochie
c) Pencil

Of course, my school assignments were never quite that fun. Bummer. Back to my point here, the other day me and Jasper were eating a pomegranate. He loves them! And it got me to thinking...
Pomegranate is to winter time what sunflower seeds are to summer time! I'm not sure why I worded it like that in my head but I did.

Enjoy your daily dose of randomness.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Brave Kid

This was too powerful not to share. Hope it moves you like it did me.

We will raise our family to stand up to bullies and lend a hand to the bullied. Kinda like an emotional Robin Hood. :)