We got a new puppy!! This one is the perfect size for our yard and cozy home. His name is Dobby. You can see the similarities better when he's wet. Dobby is intelligent, learns super quickly and loves the whole family. He doesn't knock Jasper over at every turn either. We love him!
Dobby was born on June 5, 2010. He's a pomeranian chihuahua mix or pom-chi. Dobby has the coolest fur! It's a weird brindle color. You can actually see patches that are short and orange and very chihuahua looking. He's so stinkin' cute. Jasper can't get enough of him. He even lets Dobby sit in his favorite chair.
Everyone, meet Dobby!!
The camera was a little too bright for the poor guy.
Wow...we have a rescue dog who's listed as a dachshund/Pom mix, but I suspect some chi in there too. Willow is almost a twin to Dobby right down to the white chest patch, but with a slightly longer body! Love her dearly, and wish you well with Dobby too. :>