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Sunday, March 25, 2012


Our little girl is going to be a diva with a 'tude. It's pretty inevitable I think. When I think of her all I see is pretty frills, unicorns and princesses. But I'm pretty sure the reality will be hissy fits, muddy tutus, and tormenting the dog with her big brother. When I see her future, I see

Precious handmade outfits by Mommy

With ridiculously big hair bows or flowers

Cute little tushies hidden by tutus

and glitter dances.

While I'm positive she will wear all of the handmade or store bought adorableness I've mentioned. I'm also pretty positive she will love the mud and outdoors just like her brother. She will hunt for bugs and play in whatever yuck she can find. She will ride on the four-wheeler and be a little rebel hellion with a dare-devil streak that will give me a heart attack. Our muddy little princess.

Add a bow and tutu... Pretty much sums it up.

*Most of these pics can be found on my Pinterest board Kid Clothes. Follow me there for more awesomeness. Click on the pic to be taken to its respective pin. Then you can go to their website. Like what I did there? Making you go to my pin board if you want more info? Yeah, I can be evil.

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